Aside from your home, your automobile is likely to be one of the most expensive purchases you will make. As a result, you’ll want to do everything you can to maintain your car secure and in good functioning order. Unfortunately, some things in life are beyond our control, and you may find yourself in need of auto body repairs at some point. However, with so many body shops to choose from, deciding where to take your automobile for repairs can be tricky. How do you choose – especially if you have little experience with auto body repairs? With that in mind, we’ve put up a quick checklist of items to consider before deciding where to get your auto body repairs done!
You Are Not Required to Use Who Your Insurance Provider Recommends
If your auto body repairs are the result of a collision or other event, your insurance policy will most likely pay the costs. In many circumstances, your insurance company will recommend a certain vehicle body shop. It’s a prevalent fallacy that you have to follow their advice. This is not the case, and you are free to visit any licensed repair facility of your choice. Don’t be scared to shop around for the one that best suits your needs.
Lower estimates should not be used as a deterrent.
We understand that auto body repairs can be costly. However, you should never choose the cheapest repair estimate on the basis of price alone. You get what you pay for, as the old adage goes, and this is certainly true when it comes to auto body repairs. It’s not always the case that the most expensive quotation is the best, but if you get an estimate that’s significantly less than everyone else in the region, you might want to start asking questions. Are they able to undercut their estimations by cutting corners? While price is a significant consideration when choosing a body shop, it should not be the only one. Consider other factors such as reputation, experience, accreditations, and customer reviews. Look around for other quotations and pick the one that you believe gives the most value and quality for your money.
Examine the Qualifications of a Body Shop
Not all auto body shops are made equal when it comes to car body repairs! Examine the shop’s credentials and qualifications to ensure that it is committed to providing the greatest customer service and the most highly qualified technicians. I-CAR and ASE certifications are two qualifications worth seeking. A respectable body shop will also provide a warranty, such as the Boyd Autobody & Glass Lifetime Guarantee, which covers any repairs for as long as you own the vehicle!
These are just a few things to think about when it comes to deciding where to take your vehicle for auto body repairs. Don’t be enticed by a low-cost offer. Take a look at what they have to offer to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.
If you live in Dubai, here are the best auto repair shops where you will get the best auto body repair facilities.
Address: 17-A Street, Al Quoz, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 4 323 7106
To know more about the services here and for other information click on the link below
Address: 129, 318 Roud, Al Quoz Fourth – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 52 647 7064
To know more about the services here and for other information click on the link below
Address: 55 6B Street – Al Quoz – Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 55 340 9121
To know more about the services here and for other information click on the link below
Address: Al Quoz – Al Quoz Industrial Area 4 – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 4 338 4535
To know more about the services here and for other information click on the link below
Address: 425 Street 28a – Al Quoz – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 4 338 1552
To know more about the services here and for other information click on the link below